Korisnik je primio vozilo koje je prekontrolisao i prìhvatio ga u perfektnom stanju i smatra ga odgovarajućim za iznajmljivanje, Korisnik mora da vrati vozilo zajedno sa svim dokumentima i pratećom opremom koja pripada ARYA TOURISM DOO-i a u istom stanju u kom ga je primio. Vozilo vraća na lokaciju i onog dana koji je naznačen na prednjoj stranı ugovora. U slučaju da je period iznajmljivanja istekao i korisnik je dužan da ARYA TOURISM DOO-i plati troškove najma i ostale troškove u slučaju štete ili gubitka opreme. ARYA TOURISM DOO omogućava dodatnih 60 minuta za povratak vozila, nakon što je isteklo 24 sata Nakon tih 60 minuta dodatni dan će biti zaračunat svakih 24 sata dok je auto u posjedu korisnika ARYA TOURISM DOO zadržava pravo da oduzme vozilo u bilo koje vrijeme i to bez saglasnosti korisnika, i to sve o trošku korisnika ukoliko ARYA TOURISM DOO utvrdi da je moguća šteta ili nestanak vozila kao i mogučnost da korisnik izmiri svoja dugovanja prema ARYA TOURISM DOO-i ARYA TOURISM DOO takode ima pravo da oduzme vozilo ukoliko je vozilo korišćeno protivno gore navedenim pravilima ili krši pravila ugovora u predhodnom periodu najma.
U slučaju krade gubitka ili štete na vozilu kao u slučaju štete ili nestanka nekog dela opreme vozila korisnik je u obavezi da štetu nodaknadi ARYA TOURISM DOO-i. Detaljinje: a) korisnik je odgovoran za svu štetu koju je prouzrokovao na vozilu ili drugim licima ako je prekršio odredbe ili ako je vozilo protivno Zakonu o bezbednosti saobraćaja Republike Crne Gore. b) korisnik je delimično ili u potpunosti odgovoran za delimičnu ili potpunu kradu vozila ukoliko ga ARYA TOURISM DOO ne oslobodi takve odgovornosti. Ovo važi sarno u slučaju da je korisnik prihvatio pravila ugovora, osiguranja od krade" (TPC) i,, osiguranja od štete" (CDW) i platio odgovarajuću dnevnu nadoknadu na početku ugovorenog perioda iznajmljivanja vozila što je potvrdeno obeležavanjern kučice PRIHVATAM na prednjoj strani ugovora imajući u vidu da je preuzeo sve odgovarajuće mere za zaštitu od krađe ili gubitka vozila a u skladu sa odredbama ugovora o najmu. Ukoliko korisnik nije obeležio kučicu PRIHVATAM (osiguranje od krade (TPC) i osiguranje od štete (CDW) dužan je da o svom trošku nodoknadi štetu nastalu kradom ili nestankom vozila kao i svu štetu na pratećoj opremi. Ukoliko je korisnik obeležio kućicu PRIHVATAM super osiguranje od krade i štete (SUPER COVER) i platio odgovarajuću dnevnu nadoknadu korisnik je potpuno pokriven od odgovornosti za nastalu štetu vozila. Ovo ne važi ukoliko korisnik nije koristio vozilo u skladu sa odredbama ugovora o najmu ili kršio pravila pod tačkom 4. Čak i ako je korisnik izabrao sva gore navedena osiguranja on je još uvek u obavezi da plati minimalnu nadoknadu za popravku štete kao sto je naznačeno u zvaničnom ARYA TOURISM DOO cenovniku ili navedeno na prednjoj strani ugovora. Posebno je naglašeno sledeće: SCDW, CDW i Super Cover ne važi u slučaju vatre ili sudara i ne važi za štetu nastalu: 1) na donjem postroju vozila. 2) na gumama točkovima u toku voznje transporta vozila putem voza, broda ili bilo kog drugog vida transporta bez pismene saglasnosti ARYA TOURISM DOO. Gore navedeno pokriće važi samo za navedene vozače u ugovoru o najmu.
Korisnik će ARYA TOURISM DOO-i platiti, sledeće troškovi po završetku ugovora o najmu ukoliko nije drugačije, dagovoreno; a) dnevnu ugovorenu cenu za ceo ugovoreni, period. b) cenu po kilometru za ceo ugovoreni period po ugovorenoj, ceni po kilometru po zvaničnom cenovniku ARYA TOURISM DOO-a Kilometrža se utvrduje na bazi početne kilometražena satu i završene kilometraže na satu. Ukoliko sat ne radi naplaćuje se razdaljina izmedu mesta u kojima je korisnik boravio sa vozilom. C) korisnik će platiti sve troškove koji se odnose nadopunu goriva, osiguranje od krade (TP), osiguranje od štete (CDW), lično osiguranje (PAI), super osiguranje (SCDW), super osiguranje od krade (STP) i ostale troškove koji su prihvaćeni ugovorom o najmu. Korisnik se slaže da ukoliko po završetku vozilo vrati bez goriva, prihvata da mu se naplati dodatni troškovi dopune goriva po ceni definisanoj u zvaničnom cenovniko ARYA TOURISM DOO-a.. D) U slučaju nastale štete korisnik je dužan da plati ARYA TOURISM DOO-i iznos u visini od 15€+ PDV za pokrivanje administrativnih troškova. E) Korisnik je u obavezi da plati sve takse i poreze vezane za iznajmljivanje vozila ARYA TOURISM DOO-a, uključujući troškove advokata i sve troškove kamata nastale vezane za period naplate najma vozila ARYA TOURISM DOO-a. F) Sve troškove kazni, sudskih taksi i oztale troškove koje opterećuje ili će opterećivati ARYA TOURISM DOO zbog nedozvoljenog koriščenja vozila. Korisnik će platiti sve troškove nepropisnog parkiranja plus PDV i ugrožavanje saobraćaja. Svi ugovoreni vozači na prednjoj strani ugovora će biti odgovorni za nedozvoljene radnje sa vozilom. G) Sve troškove popravki na donjem postroju vozila, guma, točkova svu ostalu štetu kao i kompenzaciju za nestanak vozila ukoliko korisnik nije prihvatio neku vrstu ponudenog osiguranja iz odredbe. H) Korsinik će platiti sve dodatne troškove dostave i vraćanja vozila kao i troškove vraćanja vozila sa lokacije koja nije utvrdena ugovorom bez pismenog odobrenja ARYA TOURISM DOO-a. po zvaničnom cenovniku ARYA TOURISM DOO-a. 1) Dodatne aerodromske takse za dostavljanje vozila ukoliko je vozilo iznajmijeno u pozlovnici na aerodromu. Korisnik se slaže i prihvata sledeče: 1. Dogovoreni popust neće važiti ukoliko dudovanja prema ARYA TOURISM DOO-i nisu izmirena u dogovorenom periodu. 2. Svi troškovi podležu promenama.
O d korisnika se očekuje de vodi računa o vozilu, da ga održava i proverava mehaničku ispravhost, nivo ulja i vode pritisak u gumama itd. Bilo kakvo popravljanje vozila je zabranjeno bez prethodne saglasnosti ARYA TOURISM DOO-a, Vozilo se ne sme koristiti za a) za iznajmljivanje trecim licima b) za vuču i prevot drugih vozila c) da učestvuje na relijima i trkama d) reiznajmljivanje vozila drugim pravnim fizičkim licima e) sve nelegaine radnje f) svi ugovoreni vozaci ne smeju da upravljaju vozilom pod dejstvom opojnin droga alkohola i ostalih hemijskih supstanci koje ga sprečavaju da normaino upravlja vozilum i pravovremeno reaguje g) u suprotnosti sa carinskim i saobracajnim propislma h) zabranjeno je upravljanje vozilom trecim licima koja nisu navedana u ugovoru i) za prevoz droga, zapaljivih supstaricimaterijla izrazito nepteatnog mirisa ili materijala koji mogu da ostave fleke po unutrašnjosti vozila j) za transport robe i lica koji spadaju u ilegaini transport K) Minimalna starost vozacke dozvole mora biti tri godine, za sve ostale je dodatna dopiata od 20 eura. Ljvan radriog vremena (08:30-20:30) preuzimanje di ostavijanje vozila se naplacuje dodatnih 20 eura, koje se vrsi lokaino. M) pusenje u vozilima nije dozvoljeno, i ukoliko dodje do nepostovanja istog pravila, vrsi se dodatna naplata u iznosu od 50 eura, koja se vrsi lokalno.
Ukoliko korisnik beli da produži ugovor o najmu dužan je da obavesti ARYA TOURISM DOO o tome najmanje 24 sata unapred radi dobijanja pismenog odobrenja. U slučaju da ne postupi tako bice krivicno gonjen za nedozvoljeno koriscenje, posedovanje vozila. U slučaju produtetka ugovora o najmu korisnik ce biti obavezan uslovima iz osnovnog ugovora kao i ugovora o produzetku najma.
ARYA TOURISM DOO je odgovoran same za gubitak ili štetu koju su pretrpell korisnik ili treća strana vezano za najam ili korišćenje iznajmljenug vozila, ukoliko su takav gubitak ili šteta nastali na merno ili zbog velikog nemara sa njgove strane. U svim ostalim slučajevima ARYA TOURISM DOO ne zeli prihvati bilo kakvu vrstu odgovornosti i korisnik nema pravo na takve zahteve.
U sloćaju nezgode ili bilo kakve nesneće (vatra, krada, Itd.) korisnik ili bilo koji drugi ugovoreni vozač su dužni da urade sledeće: a) obavesti policiju i obezbedi zvanični policijski zapisnik o nezgodi b) da ne prihvate odgovornost ili tvrdnje trećeg lica direktne ili indirektne stete zabeleži imena i adrese svedoka kao i ime i adresu svedoka kao i ime i adresu vozača vozila kao i informacije o vozilu koje je učestvovalo u nesreči d) obavesti ARYA TOURISM DOO telefonom ili na drugi način e) pribavi sve relevantne dokaze od trećeg lica f) da fotografiše mesto nezgode kao i vozilo koje jeu čestvoval ukoliko je to moguće. Korisnik je dužan da popuni formular o nesreći/kradi vozila i pošalje sva relevantna dokumenta najbližoj filijali ARYA TOURISM DOO a u roku od 24 sata. U slučaju krade ili gubitka vozila korisnik je dužan da pismeno obavesti najbližu policijsku stanicu u roku od 24 sata.
ARYA TOURISM DOO obazbduje osiguranje lica koja koriste vozilo uz ARYA TOURISM DOO-vu dozvolu u skladu sa polisom obaveznog osiguranja od trećih lica koja se može dobiti na uvid.
Korisnik patvrduje da će lični podaci uneti u ovaj ugovor biti automatski obrađeni. Korisnik je saglasan da se ovi podaci mogu preneti trećim licima radi utvrdivanja identiteta obezbeđivanja kredibiliteta.
a) vazilo je uvek u vlasništvu ARYA TOURISM DOO-a Ovo je ugovor isključivo o najmu vozila. Korisnik nije ARYA TOURISM DOO-ov agent ni u kakvom smislu. Korisnik potvrđuje da nema veća prava od onih navedenih u ovom ugovoru b) svi vozači navedeni u ugovoru imaju solidarnu odgovornost c) u slučaju da je ugovor o najmu potpisalo ovlašćeno lice budućeg Korisnika, to lice podleže jednakoj odgovornosti kao i budući korisnik koji ga je i ovlastio d) ovaj ugovor poništava svaki drugi ugovor izmedi ARYA TOURISM DOO-a i Korisnika e) Korisnik se iskijučrvo drži odredbi potpisanog ugovora f) svaka promena ugovora mora da se pismeno evidentira g) Korisnik pristaje i slaže se na sve gore navedene odredbe ugovora i na sve dodatne odredbe koje proizilaze iz produženja ugovora o najmu ili zamane vozila h)U slucaju da se podaci iz ugovora razlikuju na kopiji ugovora, original ugovora je uvek važeći i) ugovorne strane su saglasne da su odredbe ovog ugovora su osnova za svfhu sklapanja ugovora o najmu.
Ovaj ugovor će biti u skladu sa zakonima Republike Crne Gore u kojoj posluje ARYA TOURISM DOO i svi nesporazumi koji mogu proizići iz ili u vezi sa ovim ugovorom biće u nadležnosti suda u Podgorici, Cma Gora.
ARYA TOURISM DOO hereby rents to the undersigned Renter the Vehicle, as described herein (including any replacement vehicle) subject to the hereinbelow terms and conditions as well as those included on the front side ARYA TOURISM contract, wich the Renter fully accepts in their entirety.
Renter received Vehicle, which he examined and found it to his complete satisfaction in perfect condition, and appropriate for the purpose he rents it. Renter must return Vehicle and all documents, tools and accessories that, accompany it to ARYA TOURISM DOO in the same condition he recived it, and at the location and on the data designate in this agreement. Otherwise and upon expiration of the rental period, Renter will be obliged to pay to ARYA TOURISM DOO the normal rental charge plus expenses for any loss or damage. ARYA TOURISM DOO offers the renter 60minutes period after the 24 hours are up. After this grace period an extra day will be added for each additional 24 hours renter have kept the car ARYA TOURISM DOO reserves the right to gain repossesion and use of Vehicle at any time without notice and without Renter's consent, but all the expense, from wherever and by any means, if as the discretion of ARYA TOURISM DOO there is danger of damage or loss of Vehicle as well as risk of not receiving the rental charge or any other due compensation. ARYA TOURISM DOO has the right besides the above mentioned case gain, and use of Vehicle if it has been used or is being used in violation of this agreement or of the designated rental period.
Renter has the obligation to compensate ARYA TOURISM DOO in the event of theft, loss or damage to Vehicle and to any person (including his co passengers) as well as to pay all losses and damages suffered by ARYA TOURISM DOO, More specifically
a) Renter is responsible for all the damage caused to Vehicle or to others, in case he has violated the terms of use of Vehicle or in case he has been driving same in an illegal manner or in viclation of the Montenegrian Driving Code independently of any optional extra insurance accepted b) Renter is responsible partially or total theft or loss of Vehicle, unless ARYA TOURISM DOO releases Renter from the responsabillity for total theft or loss of Vehicle. Such relese is valid provided that Renter has already accepted at the beginning of rental the daily charge and the conditions of. Theft protection "(TPC) and, Collision Damage Waiver" (CDW) as these terms are defined in the official ARYA TOURISM DOO price list (tariff) by Initialing the Accepts box on the front side of this agreement, provided that Renter has taken all the precautons to avoid total theft or loss of the Vehicle and has permition compliance with the terms of this agreement. It is expressly agreed that theft or loss of parts accessories and or eqaipment (partial theft) of Vehicle is not covered by the abovementioned acceptance of, Theft Protection" and. Collison Damage Walver" (COW). Client is responsible for every damage or loss of Vehicle due to colision or fire, unless Renter has accepted the term, “Collision Damage Waiver” (CDW) by initialing in the “Accept” boy on the front side of this agreement and by paying the respective daily charge. The renter is fuil free from any legal ilability for damage to the car from liability for theft of the car and from the accident administration fee, if he has accepted “SUPER COVER” and paid the respective dally free The abovernentfoned acceprance of “Collision Damager Waiver” (COW) COVER DOES NOT RELEASE Renter if Vehicle was not used in compliance with the damage as designated in the official ARYA TOURISM price list (tariff) or as stated in the front side of the agreement, It is expressly agreed that The said acceptance of “Collision Ramage Waiver”, coilision or fire (CDW) or of “SURER COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER” (SCDW) does not cover damages caused: 1 To the lower part of the Vehicle. 2. To the tyres and wheeks of Vehicle, 3. During loading. Unloading or transport of Vehicle by ships or trains or other kind of transport without ARYA TOURISM DOO's prior written consent. The above coverages apply only to the official named drivers decirared on the rental agreement.
Renter shall pay ARYA TOURISM DOO at termination of the rental period, unless otherwise agreed, the following sums: a) The daily fixed rental charge for the entire rental period. b) The charges per kilometer covered by the Vehicle during the rental period, based on the counterl kilometer as designated in the official ARYA TOURISM DOO's price list (tariff). The number of the covered kilometers is computed according to the indicators of the kilometer counter at the beggining and at the end of the rental period. In case the kilometer counter does not work, the charge is based on the number of kilometers between distances covered by Renter with Vehicle. c) All charges concerning refueling of Vehicle, in case it is not returned full of fuel by Renter the "Theft Protection" (TPC) the "Collision Damage Walver" (CDW), the Accident Insurance (PA) the "SUPER COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER" (SCDW), “THE SUPER THEFT PROTECTION” (STP) and any other carge provided by the terms of this agreement or by the official price list (tariff), Renter agrees and accepts that in case at the confirmed drop off rental period he does not return. Vehicle to ARYA TOURISM DOO full of fuel then he will be additionally charged with the "Refueling Service Charge" as souch fee is determined in the official ARYA TOURISM DOO price list (tariff) in addition to any extra charges for coverages or waivers which were the renter concernin the current rental agreement. Renter pays the costs of fuel at the beggining of the rental d) In case od an accident due to Renter's liability, renter has the obligation to pay to ARYA TOURISM DOO a non refundable tee of €15+ V.A.T. to cover administration revenue, Taxes, duties and other expenses, related to the rental of Vehicle and any ARYA TOURISM DOO costs, Including attorney's fees and default interest incurred in collecting any kind of payments due related to this rental or related to the repossession of Vehicle by ARYA TORUISM DOO f) Any other court costs and other expenses imposed on ARYA TOURISM DOO due to the illegal use of Vehicle by Renter. An administration fee of €15 (excluding Tax) will apply per fine for parking traffic or congesticom charge fines, in this latter case Renter or additional driver, who is signed on the front side of this agreement, shall continue to be responsible for any illegal acts g) any amount necessary for replacement or repairing of destroyed tyres or wheels or any sums for restoring damages on the lower part of Vehicle, for repairing any other damage for compensating due to loss of Vehicle, unless the respective walvers have been accepted and their terms have been applied (article 2), h) the additional charge for delivering or returning of Vehicle and also the charge for its return to location different from the one that was on the front side of this agreement without ARYA TOURISM DOO's written sonsent, such charge being determined in the official ARYA TOURISM DOO price list (tariff), i) the additional "Airport Service Charge" in case Renter rented Vehicle at a ARYA TOURISM DOO branch located in an airport Renter agrees with: 1. Granted discounts will be recalled, if settlement of ARYA TOURISM DOO's account is not made within the set limits. 2. All charges are subject to final audit.
Renter is expected to take good care of Vehicle to preserve it in good condition, to check its mehanical condition, the oil and water level, the tyres etc and in general to behave in a prudent manner. Any repair of Vehicle by Renter himself or any other person is prohibit by ARYA TOURISM DOO's prior consent Vehicle must not exit Montenegro or be loaded on train or ship or other mean of transport without ARYA TOURISM DOO's prior written consent Vehicle must not be used: a) To carry persons or property for hire b) To propel or to tow any vehicle, trailer or trucks c) To participate in or to follow Rallies d) For purposes contrary to the Montenegro law f) While Renter or the additional driver of the Vehicle is under the influence of alcohol, hallucinatory drugs, narcotics, barbiturates and other substance impairing his consciousness or ability to react g) in contravention of any customs, traffic or other regulations h) By any thgird person other than Renter and any additional driver for whom Renter has accepted the dally charge for additional drivers as they are designated in the official ARYA TOURISM DOO's price list (tariff) I) To transfer or carry heavy luggage, infammable materials, stafining or badly smelling goods, narcotics etc. j) To make illegal transports of locals or foreigners or to perform illegal acts, K) minimum driving license is 3 year, for 1 year driving licence 20 euro fee. Minimum age is 21 old, and maximum for all categories is 75 years old. L)out off hours deliveries or collection (20:30-08:30) will aplly with an extra charge of 20 euro to be paid loccaly. M) smoking is not allowed in vehicle, and charge for smoking is euro, and need to be paid loccaly.
If Renter wishes to prolong the rental period of Vehicle, he has to notify ARYA TOURISM DOO in writting at least twenty four (24) hours before the end of rental period to receive the respective written approval. If he fails to do so he will have both civil and penal liability for illegal possession of Vehicle. In case of extension of rental Renter shall be bound by the terms and conditions both of the Initial agreement and the rental extension agreement, whether concerning the Vehicle or any replacement thereof.
Renter expressly agrees that ARYA TOURISM DOO is not responsible for any loss of damage suffered by Renter or third parties during the rental period and no daim can be raised against ARYA TOURISM DOO for the above reason.
In case of an or any other incident (fire, theft, etc.), Renter or the additional driver are obliged to immediately do the following: (a) Inform traffic police and receive official protocol. (b) Not acknowledge liability or quilt and dams of third parties in any way direct (c) Note the names and addresses of eye witness and also the name and the address of the driver and the data of the vehicle, with which Vehicle may have collided. (d) Notify the Police to investigate the liability of the third party and provide care to any injurers ARYA TOURISM DOO immediately by phone or other means (fax, e-mail). (f) Obtain all relevant information from any third party. (g) Photograph the location of the accident and the vehicles participatin in the accident, if possible Renter must complete and sign an accident theft in period od twenty four (24) hours.
(a) ARYA TOURISM DOO provides Renter and any additional driver with insurance coverage by insurance companies of it's cholce for death injurles of third parties, passengers or not of Vehicle (the Vehicle driver is excluded) providet that they do not violite any term of this agreement, (b) ARYA TOURISM DOO provides insurance coverage against third parties on
ly to those who use Vehicle with it's permission by an insurance policy; the terms of which are available for examination. (c) Renter additional authorized drivers and all other passengers of the Vehicle covered by "Personal Accident Insurance" (PA) as such as is determined in the official ARYA TOURISM DOO price list (tariff), unless Renter accepts "Personal Accident Insurance" at the beginning of rental by initialing in "Accept" box on the front side of this agreement thus including covarage provided by ARYA TOURISM DOO's insurance policy for personal accidents, as mentioned in the official price list and paying the respective daliy charge. (d) Luggage is not covered by insurance and Renter is responsible for any loss or damage of property belonging to ARYA TOURISM DOO holds no respensibility for any such loss, damage etc. at the time of rental or after the return of Vehicm.
Renter consents to the computer storage of this personal data it is strictly agreed that ARYA TOURISM DOO is authorized to use such data, when Renter at time of rental makes incorrect statements or violates the terms of this agreement and to pass on such to the Country third parties in the case there is suspicion of committing a criminal or other offence.
(a) Vehicle is always property ARYA TOURISM DOO d.o.o. This is agreement of rental only. Renter is not ARYA TOURISM DOO agent in any way and in any case. Renter acknowledges that he acquires no rights other than those stated in this agreement. (b) al drivers rental all additional drivers are jointly and severally liable with the Renter. (c) Likewise, in case that this agreement is signed by any representative of the Renter, he would be jointly and severally responsible with the Renter. (d) This agreement supersedes any other contract verbal agreement between ARYA TOURISM DOO and Renter (e) ARYA TOURISM DOO cannot waive any of its rights deriving from the law and this agreement. (f) Any alteration of the terms of this agreement is not valid if not agreed in writing. (g) Renter agrees and accepts that abovementioned is valid both in case of initial agreement with ARYA TOURISM DOO and in any case of extension of the time of the rental and/or replacement of the vehicle by another (h) In case there is difference between the copies and the original possessed by ARYA TOURISM DOO always superse the contractting parties acknowledge and accept that all terms of this agreement are substantial and fundamental for the purpose hereof.
This agreement is governed by Montenegrin legislation and any and all disputes which may arise between ARYA TOURISM DOO and Renter from this agreement will be subject to the exclusive juridiction of the courts of Podgorica in Republic of Montenegro.